IT Education

The Complete Guide to the Getting Things Done GTD Method

Use it appropriately to organize your plans and prioritize your to-dos to make them manageable so that you can work through them stress-free. Schedule your weekly review by setting up a recurring date in any task field. Simply enter your date in natural language, like “every Sunday at 5pm,” and Todoist will automatically recognize and schedule it when you save the task. These are tasks with a clear, concrete action you’ll do at the next opportunity (e.g., “Email James the budget for the office party”). Next actions are separate from future actions — steps you’ll take eventually but do not need your focus right now.

  • The GTD—or Getting Things Done—method operates with the belief that the more information you’re mentally keeping track of, the less productive and focused you are.
  • You aren’t finished calling something a Project until you identify the desired outcome.
  • To view a full list of next actions across all your projects, type “@next” into the Quick Find bar at the top of your Todoist.
  • Milestones don’t require a start and end date, but hitting one marks a significant accomplishment during your project.
  • ClickUp will automatically create a task using the provided information, saving time and effort.
  • Across the scope of the project, identify every next action that you (or someone on your team) can start moving on now.

All the projects you do and tasks you undertake should lead you toward this life purpose. Make sure that all your projects and tasks will eventually help you achieve these goals. If there are no tasks on your Projects list related to a specific role, you might want to create one.

Step 1: Define your goals and objectives

None of the above will be of any use without identifying concrete next steps. Most consultants are familiar with the SCQA and Minto pyramid principle to frame an argument. Do you have that amorphous blob on your mind that you have not yet clarified? If you answered yes to any of these questions, David Allen can help you.

gtd project planning

The average person starting the GTD method will probably have at least 50 tasks bouncing around in their brain that they need to get out. The Projects List is a simple list of all your projects, one per line. Once that action is checked off we need a reminder that there are other actions still to be done to complete what does gtd mean the project. The project planning that GTD proposes is radically different to the formal planning of Project Management. GTD proposes a much more natural, mental process that concludes with the establishment of the very first steps to get done. Project management is a very easy and powerful component of GTD.


Most people find that sticking to this definition produces a list of around 30–100 projects. This is why we want to use an external tool—not our brains. The Project List Mindsweep is extremely valuable for anyone, whether you’ve never heard of GTD or have been a dedicated practitioner for years. Most people couldn’t give you a full inventory of their projects if their life depended on it. Yet they also tell you they have too much on their plate, and “don’t have the bandwidth.” Without a comprehensive Project List, you can never know how much capacity you really have.

Then, once your work is organized in the GTD method, you can start executing on tasks. If you’re working on a team, you don’t need to know every person’s next action. Just make sure each person has her assignment, and she can determine her next actions.

GTD Workflow Map

The following are the minimum requirements to set up your general reference filing system. This is where you store things like documents, letters, tickets, cards, etc. This is where you put all tasks that take longer than two minutes to complete. Take the Mind Sweep list and write out each thought, idea, project or thing that has your attention. Keep a notebook with you at all times to record things for your in-basket when you are away from your desk.

gtd project planning

When you picture something and focus on it, it helps you create it and makes you more excited to tackle it. Your vision is the what of your project—what is it going to look, sound, and feel like? In this step, create the blueprint of your desired result, whether it’s a one-line statement or a fully fleshed out scene in your mind. In order to achieve all these things, your purpose statement must be specific. This is a natural outgrowth of the organizing step.For dinner, you’ll have decided that the next action you need to take will be to see if the restaurant is open and make a reservation. Projects are defined as outcomes that will require more than one action step to complete and that you can mark off as finished in the next 12 months.

gtd project planning

As soon as you come across something that requires any action or processing, move it to your in-basket. The author stresses the importance of using your brain for the things it does well. The things on your mind are open loops – things you have not yet completed.